When Elijah first started to string words together I was so excited. My sister told me that he would be talking in no time, and I would not remember the days of him not blubbering along. Really? I thought. But yup it happened. With his new found voice he now talks all day long. And I cannot help but think that everything is amazing... and hilarious.
From the Mouth of Elijah
At the dinner table...
"Microraptors eat meat, turnips and blueberries"
In the bath, after tooting...
"Mom I pooped bubbles!"
Making waffles with Dan...
"We need baking POWER"
After watching a crow on the power line...what does a crow say?
"caw caw" Who do you think he is talking to? "Ummm...he is calling Papa!"
After asking him if momma is going to have a girl baby or a boy...
"umm...I think a man"
Are you going to have a baby brother or sister?
"a baby tiger"
What should the babies name be?(I ask this often)
"Hamish, Gertrude, ummm....Alton"
"Call her Dominque"
"Call baby Juli"
Do you want to give the baby a kiss?
"I want to look inside" lifting up my shirt to see my belly.
"I want to listen baby's heart"
In the bathtub pushing his belly out...
"My baby is growing"
After Eli spotted a bright pink sparkly pair of rollerblades...
"Mom, buy for Gramma Lowri"
Zia, Nate and Clara are coming to visit, where do you think we should take them?
"To France!"
After looking in the potty in a busy public bathroom...
"I pooped a Moon Cake"
After Dan surprised Elijah by barking in his ear...
"Daddy so funny barking in the house"
Every time Dan opened the milk he made a mooing sound...
"Daddy so funny thinking a cows in the milk"
But tonight topped it all when we all sat at the dinner table and Elijah graced us with his own rendition of Old Macdonald!
"Old Macdonald had a tomato, EIEIO, with a yum yum here and a yum yum there
...had a big candle...with a pffff pffff (him blowing out a candle) here and a pffff pfff there
...had a blue truck...with a vroom vroom here...
...had a cooking class...with a bowl bowl here...
...had a blue bowl...with a stir stir here...
...had some music...with a old Macdonald here...(old Macdonald was in fact listening to old Macdonald, ha!)
...had a float plane...with a fly fly here...