Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Saturday, 26 July 2014

Six Months and Counting...

Our little Gavin is six months old and he has changed so much! He has sprouted his first tooth on the bottom right, so he has been a tad bit fussy. Well fussy for him, because he is such a chill baby. Oh how I am going to miss that gummy smile! 
He has also decided to start crawling! What?! Oh how your world changes when your baby starts to crawl. And he is so fast now! He frantically wants to get to everything...oh look at that train I want to shove it in my mouth, oh a pot lid...that looks loud I will bang it, oh whats that over there? Let me pull it down! Elijah thinks it is pretty funny "silly baby, don't put that in your mouth"! 
This is a video of the first time he discovered how to move, now he has the hang of it and boy can he cruise! 
Gavin also went swimming for the first time, he loves it! It is wonderful that we have a pool right across the street- during the hot spell we went every evening, it was a great way to get Gavi to fall fast asleep. 
Oh and he definitely has a predictable schedule. He wakes up every morning around 5:30am, I take him to the potty and he has a big pee and a poop (yah to hardly changing any poopy diapers this month, nay to waking up that early)!! Then he wants to try out all his new skills- rolling, sitting, worm crawling, then he is super relaxed and ready for his first nap about an hour and a half later.
You are such a sweet babe. I fall more and more in love with you each day. You are such a wonderful gift.  I love your puffy morning eyes, your sudden happy screams,  I love when you attack my face and try to eat my nose, and I love your super serious pursed lip splashing in the pool face.

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

A Prehistoric Party!

Elijah requested a dinosaur party- no surprise there! He was super excited to wake up to a dinosaur a-z wall and of course balloons! We had a few of his friends over to celebrate in all dino awesomeness. First we played with some dino cookie cutters and play dough, kinetic sand and fossils, and some dinosaur stamps. Then there was a knock at the door and magically a map appeared! It was time to go hunting for dinosaur eggs! We went through a time tunnel, across a rocky river walking like dinosaurs, over a bridge to the hypothesis station- to draw what we thought they eggs would look like, we found the BIG tree and went through the bubble forest. Finally after looking everywhere we found a nest of tall grass with all the eggs. We 'hatched' the eggs and they all found a baby dinosaur to take care of.  All the little explorers were hungry so we had spaghetti and meatballs, and finished it off with some coconut rice crispy dinosaur treats (thanks for all the awesome cooking Dad)!
Elijah opened his dinosaur land felt mat that I made him and played with some great new dinosaurs that he received as gifts. Thank you to everyone who came- we had a blast!
Happy third birthday to our little paleontologist!

Monday, 21 July 2014

July 16th...

We asked Elijah what he wanted to do on his birthday, "We could go to the park?" Dan told him to think of something a bit more extravagant..."OH! Okay the dinosaur museum!" Well that is about a 14 hour drive.... so we settled on "The BIG pool by the ocean" and of course some sushi!