Sunday, 16 September 2012

Country Fair

I was too excited for the Southlands Country Fair this year, we went last year and Elijah slept the whole time, this time he was old enough to enjoy the splendour. To my dismay he was not that impressed. Come on! You can ride a pony, pet the animals, feed carrots to the horses , play with snakes, jump in hay pits. Nope, the box of recycling is much more interesting. All jokes aside he did love watching the horse jumping and the fancy ponies.
We walked home and found an amazing blackberry bush and it officially completed my wonderful summer. I love picking berries, the way your hands turn purple, the prickles, eating handfuls, it was simply glorious. Now we have to make something scrumptious with them.

1 comment:

  1. Too cute! You do not look very impressed Eli...your Mommy was never very impressed at petting zoos either. I love your expression in the snake photo and how your hair matches his skin. Beautiful!
    We miss you
    Love you!

    PS you Mommy looks beeeeeautiful!
